Thursday, December 4, 2008

You Must Have Been A Beautiful Betsey

Heavens to Betsey! How does one of the most colorful characters in fashion celebrate 30 years of kick ass little bo peep gone rocker chick? With a string of parties of course! These past few weeks have seen Betsey Johnson toasted in Women’s Wear Daily, a high octane and high society cocktail soiree, and a series of mini celebrations at local Betsey stores.

Last night’s party at the UWS boutique was a cozy affair featuring Pink champange, pink napkins, pink cookies and a healthy dose of fans nabbing the colorful dresses Johnson is famous for. The duplex store was full of adorable summer dresses as well as pieces perfect for fall. The blasting music gave customers a beat to shop to and it seemed to be working because from what I saw, a lot of people were buying.

In a nod towards a more refined fall, the dresses had more black, blues and greens than I’m used to seeing from the Queen of Punk Pink, but I guess even the baddest girls start to grow up once they hit the big 3 - 0.

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